Just a few days ago, I returned from Israel. The past 5 weeks were literally the best of my entire life. But as amazingly unbelievable and fantastic as my trip was, I am glad to be home in my clean, air-conditioned room, with my computer on my lap. Here are a few pictures from my trip that I hope you enjoy!!
(camel riding in the desert)
(the Dead Sea)
(this was taken on my friend's balcony in Netanya, while we were getting dressed up and preparing for the Sabbath)
(a shop in the artists' quarter in Tzefat)
(a synagogue in Tzefat)
(the Kineret)
(delicious lychee fruits at the shuk (outdoor market) in Tel Aviv)
(a distant view of Jerusalem)
(a view of the Old City of Jerusalem - the most gorgeous place I have ever seen)
These are beautiful. I would love to visit Israel some time. What were you there for?