Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

  Some of the most creative architecture I've ever seen:

  My favorite is definitely this last squiggly one! For more buildings, check out Toxel. It's a website filled with all sorts of creatively designed gadgets and whatnot.

  In other news, I will be leaving home in exactly 3 weeks from today!! I'm spending my summer on an organized tour of Israel. I've never been before, and couldn't be more excited. But since that means 5 or so weeks without any posting, I'll have to make it up with a whole bunch of posts for the next 3 weeks and then again, once I return. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning you guys!


  1. how fun...that last building is straight out of dr. seuss or something, so cute!

  2. The basket company's owner planned to convert all of his companies offices in the same manner. Thankfully, his son convinced him not to. LOL imagine!

  3. oh my god! I love the violin/piano one <3
    Thanks for sharing!
