Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mary Robinson

  You MUST check out the Galeria de mary_robinson on flickr. Click there.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland

The holiday season is nearly over... but winter in New York is,
unfortunately, not. But i suppose i should really come to terms
with that and accept the finer aspects of the season. Hence the

(I really must apologize about not having photo credits for these pictures. I'm not very good at keeping track!!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Best Dog

  A couple weeks ago, I went to my cousin's wedding. The bridesmaids and, of course, the bride looked stunning. But my favorite part had to be the couple's dog, Cash, dressed in a tux, accompanying the groom down the aisle. 

 (That's what i wore)

dress- ann taylor
cardigan - h&m
tights - dkny

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bulletin Board

  I came across a bulletin board in my house a little while ago, and decided to turn it into an inspiration board of sorts... i figure i'll change it up seasonally?
  So here's for Autumn 09, which is nearly over!! I need to decided when to redo it...